Certificate in Organize meetings and conferences

Certificate in Organize meetings and conferences

(Online / Distance Learning)

Courses Description

Organise meetings short course will give you the skills to effectively Plan and Manage Conferences. You will become an expert in planning, preparing and processing meetings to effectively save time and keep the meetings progressing.

This organise meetings and conferences course is part of our range of online short courses and is composed of two nationally recognised units of study to provide you with the skills to plan and organise meetings and conferences within an organisation.

Online- E Learning

Course Code: OMC
Duration: 2 Months
Study Material: EPUB/PDF/CD/Flash Viewer
Examination : Online (Multiple Choice Method)
Certificate : Delivery by Register Postal with in 10 days from the Successful Completion.

Course Fees : 4100.00 INR - (Including SERVICE TAX:15.00%)
Registration Number : AOGPK8000CS002

10% Offer Fees : 3690.00 INR

Other than India : $ 140 USD

For Course Details:

Send an SMS to +91 9597711744 with the text: OMC (space) Your Email.
Email us : admin@royaleinstitution.com

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  • Fully Online Courses - Study when you want
    Study at your own place
    No classes to attend
    No travel expenses
    Expert trainer support
    Registered Commercial Training Organisation

    Meeting Management Studies

    Organise meetings short course will give you the skills to effectively Plan and Manage Conferences. You will become an expert in planning, preparing and processing meetings to effectively save time and keep the meetings progressing.

    This organise meetings and conferences course is part of our range of online short courses and is composed of two nationally recognised units of study to provide you with the skills to plan and organise meetings and conferences within an organisation.

    • Certificate organise meetings short course will give you the skills to effectively Plan and Manage Conferences. You will become an expert in planning, preparing and processing meetings to effectively save time and keep the meetings progressing

      This organise meetings and conferences course is part of our range of online short courses and is composed of two nationally recognised units of study to provide you with the skills to plan and organise meetings and conferences within an organisation.

    • What will you achieve from this online short course?
    • The organise meetings and conferences course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to:

      Prepare / conduct and follow up on meetings

      Plan / promote and organise a conference

      Coordinate conference proceedings

      Follow up conference proceedings

    • Career Pathways
    • Manager | Administrative Assistant | Secretary | Personal Assistant

    Have a question or need a course details?

    Call us! (or) Just SMS your Interested course name with Email ID to +91 9597711744 (or) Email us : admin@royaleinstitution.com
