Exhibition Management courses in indore

Certificate in Exhibition Management

(Online / Distance Learning)

Courses Description

Certificate in Exhibition Management The Short Programme in Conference, Exhibition Management is a comprehensive programme addressing all critical issues in the design, development, implementation and coordination of big and small events and prepares learners for all aspects of this dynamic and exciting industry.

Online- E Learning

Course Code: CEXM
Duration: 2 Months
Study Material: EPUB/PDF/CD/Flash Viewer
Examination : Online (Multiple Choice Method)
Certificate : Delivery by Register Postal with in 10 days from the Successful Completion.

Course Fees : 4100.00 INR - (Including SERVICE TAX:15.00%)
Registration Number : AOGPK8000CS002

10% Offer Fees : 3690.00 INR

Other than India : $ 140 USD

For Course Details:

Send an SMS to +91 9597711744 with the text: CEXM (space) Your Email.
Email us : admin@royaleinstitution.com

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  • Fully Online Courses - Study when you want
    Study at your own place
    No classes to attend
    No travel expenses
    Expert trainer support
    Registered Commercial Training Organisation

    What does the RI Certificate in Exhibition Management involve?

    The exhibition industry in globally contributes billions of rands to the economy and continually provides work for thousands of indians & south asians every month. Exhibitions are a popular way for businesses to market their services and products and have face-to-face interaction with potential clients and other stakeholders in various markets. Managing exhibitions requires specialised industry-related knowledge and skills.

    The Royale Institution Certificate Course in Exhibition Management gives students the specific knowledge regarding the marketing, administration and operations involved in managing exhibitions. The Certificate Course in Exhibition Management discusses some of the current trends and innovations happening in the exhibition industry.