Marriage and Family Counseling course in Patna

Certificate in Marriage and Family Counseling

(Online / Distance Learning)

Courses Description

Our comprehensive curriculum includes the foundational courses of Marriage and Family Counseling, Course students gain the knowledge, skills, and practices necessary to address a wide variety of issues in the context of relationships and families and are prepared to serve as advocates, educators, and leaders in strengthening individuals, families, and communities. Focus on professional counselors to specialize in providing marital, couple, and family counseling for a variety of settings, including family counseling, social service and mental health agencies, college counseling centers.

Online- E Learning

Course Code: CMFC
Duration: 3 Months
Study Material: EPUB/PDF/CD/Flash Viewer
Examination : Online (Multiple Choice Method)
Certificate : Delivery by Register Postal with in 10 days from the Successful Completion.

Course Fees : - (Including SERVICE TAX:15.00%)
Registration Number : AOGPK8000CS002

10% Offer Fees : 6300.00 INR

Other than India : $ 235 USD

For Course Details:

Send an SMS to +91 9597711744 with the text: CMFC (space) Your Email.
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    Registered Commercial Training Organisation

    Marriage and Family Counseling Studies

    Our comprehensive curriculum includes the foundational courses of Marriage and Family Counseling, Course students gain the knowledge, skills, and practices necessary to address a wide variety of issues in the context of relationships and families and are prepared to serve as advocates, educators, and leaders in strengthening individuals, families, and communities. Focus on professional counselors to specialize in providing marital, couple, and family counseling for a variety of settings, including family counseling, social service and mental health agencies, college counseling centers.

    Marriage and Family Counseling program is highest potential counselor success are demonstrations of skills, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, consistent interpersonal behaviors, recognition of strengths and weaknesses, a clear grasp of goals, and increasing knowledge of one's impact on others.

    The programme will enable students to study specific topics of interest within Marriage and Family Therapy. Certificate programs might also be a great starting point for those just beginning their graduate education. This may involve working directly with the couple or family or indirectly with an individual whose primary issues are couple or family related, working with couples and families is very different from working with individuals. Dynamics of the relationships are complex and require a systems approach to understanding and intervening.