Certificate in Business Administration

Certificate in Business Administration

(Online / Distance Learning)

Courses Description

This Business Administration Online courses prepare you to for a career in business management. Students that enroll in business administration courses learn about the different methods and policies regarding business management. Business administration courses enable students to effectively manage and administer tasks and projects according to international business standards.

Online- E Learning

Course Code: CBA
Duration: 3 Months
Study Material: EPUB/PDF/CD/Flash Viewer
Examination : Online (Multiple Choice Method)
Certificate : Delivery by Register Postal with in 10 days from the Successful Completion.

Course Fees : 5200.00 INR - (Including SERVICE TAX:15.00%)
Registration Number : AOGPK8000CS002

10% Offer Fees : 4680.00 INR

Other than India : $ 175 USD

For Course Details:

Send an SMS to +91 9597711744 with the text: CBA (space) Your Email.
Email us : admin@royaleinstitution.com

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  • Fully Online Courses - Study when you want
    Study at your own place
    No classes to attend
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    Expert trainer support
    Registered Commercial Training Organisation

    Management Courses

    business Management studies, the field involves areas such as human resources, organizational behaviour, business strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, performance management, communication.

    Business Administration Studies

    This Business Administration Online course prepare you to for a career in business management. Students that enroll in business administration courses learn about the different methods and policies regarding business management. Business administration courses enable students to effectively manage and administer tasks and projects according to international business standards. Students as well as professionals who plan on managing teams, tasks, and projects are highly recommended to take core business administration courses. Students and professionals can choose from a variety of different business administration courses.

    Business administration Online course include business management, leadership skills, communication methodologies, business policies, trade and commerce, human resource management, financial management, and effective team development.

    One reason for the popularity in RI CBA Course: The fundamental management skills taught in online business administration programs are applicable in nearly every career field. Students can also gain useful analytical, communication and decision-making skills.

    • Concentration options
    • Our online business administration program give students the opportunity to deepen their expertise through degree concentrations such as small business management, finance, marketing or international business.

      In a marketing concentration, for example, students obtain the communication and analytical skills necessary to develop and promote products and services. Marketing courses include market research, product strategy and consumer behavior. In a small business management concentration, students can complete courses related to entrepreneurship, e-commerce and business plan writing.

    Have a question or need a course details?

    Call us! (or) Just SMS your Interested course name with Email ID to +91 9597711744 (or) Email us : admin@royaleinstitution.com