customer service skills and techniques

Certificate in Sales & Customer Service

(Online / Distance Learning)

Courses Description

All businesses, whether they operate face-to-face, over the phone or by e-mail, should strive to give their customers the best experience they can in order to maintain relationships, status and success. This course aims to provide those who work in the sales & customer service industry with the information and skills needed to go above and beyond with the customer service that they provide.

Receptionists and front-of-house staff

Call centre workers

Online support staff

Front-line sales and customer service staff

Trade and self-employed workers

Online- E Learning

Course Code: SCS
Duration: 3 Months
Study Material: EPUB/PDF/CD/Flash Viewer
Examination : Online (Multiple Choice Method)
Certificate : Delivery by Register Postal with in 10 days from the Successful Completion.

Course Fees : - (Including SERVICE TAX:15.00%)
Registration Number : AOGPK8000CS002

10% Offer Fees : 4050.00 INR

Other than India : $ 150 USD

For Course Details:

Send an SMS to +91 9597711744 with the text: SCS (space) Your Email.
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  • Fully Online Courses - Study when you want
    Study at your own place
    No classes to attend
    No travel expenses
    Expert trainer support
    Registered Commercial Training Organisation

    Sales & Customer Service Studies

    The content of the Customer Service course includes:

    Introduction – the importance of customer service, the cost of poor customer service, internal and external customers, customer expectations, going above and beyond.

    Body Language and Listening – your appearance, open and closed body language, creating rapport, eye contact, the importance of active listening, body language and listening over the phone.

    Communication – self-awareness and confidence, politeness, acknowledging needs, positive phrases, avoiding jargon, beginning and ending interactions, communication over the phone.

    Dealing With Complaints – asking questions, admitting to mistakes, being empathetic, complaints over the phone, e-mail complaints, handling abuse, personal safety, what to do next.

    Evaluating Customer Service – social media, mystery shoppers, feedback and surveys, staff training.

    • What will you achieve from this course?
    • The Sales & Customer Service Essentials Short Course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to:

      Assist customer to articulate needs

      Satisfy complex customer needs

      Manage networks to ensure customer needs are addressed

      Identify customer needs

      Deliver a service to customers

      Monitor and report on service delivery

      Tag Archieve: customer service skills and techniques