Team Leader Studies

The content of the Customer Service course includes:

Introduction – the importance of customer service, the cost of poor customer service, internal and external customers, customer expectations, going above and beyond.

Body Language and Listening – your appearance, open and closed body language, creating rapport, eye contact, the importance of active listening, body language and listening over the phone.

Communication – self-awareness and confidence, politeness, acknowledging needs, positive phrases, avoiding jargon, beginning and ending interactions, communication over the phone.

Dealing With Complaints – asking questions, admitting to mistakes, being empathetic, complaints over the phone, e-mail complaints, handling abuse, personal safety, what to do next.

Evaluating Customer Service – social media, mystery shoppers, feedback and surveys, staff training.

  • What will you achieve from this course?
  • The Team Leader - short course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to:

    Plan to achieve team outcomes

    Develop team cohesion

    Participate in and facilitate work team

    Liaise with management

    Model high standards of management performance and behavior

    Enhance organisation's image

    Make informed decisions

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